martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Harry Styles returns to London after not hooking up with Taylor Swift

One Direction heartbreaker returns to the UK after his ex gave him a massive hint over how she feels, via song

Despite 1D winning the award for Best International Artist, Harry was probably rather embarrassed by the very public dissing as the whole world looked on and his bandmates had a little internal snigger.
Still he looks as though he’s recovered fully from the ordeal and seemed to have a bit of a spring in his step as he landed at Heathrow airport after a quick stop in Glasgow.

We’re sure his fans helped lift his spirits though and he happily posed for pictures with them so they could splatter them all over Twitter afterwards.

There’s nothing like a bit of adoration to boost the ego and Harry’s certainly not short of female attention, especially ones who like to visit his home.
In fact something tells us, he really couldn’t care less about Taylor’s little performance and is probably rather chuffed about the whole thing.

Happy as Harry...

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Harry Styles - One Direction

Harry Styles - One Direction

Harry Styles - One Direction

Harry Styles - One Direction
Harry Styles

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